One-Time Loan Payment
Need to make a same day loan payment?
Make a Loan PaymentHave a Wings Checking or Savings Account? Make a No-Fee Payment

One-Time Pay allows you to make same-day loan payments
Use any debit card or transfer funds from another financial institution. One-Time Pay cannot be used for a loan payoff and is not available for credit cards, mortgages or commercial loans.
One-Time Pay is available for these loans:
Installment Loans
Lines of Credit
Home Equity Line of Credit
Here's how to get started
1. Select the link below to begin the One-Time Payment process. Please have a copy of your statement ready as you will need your loan number.
2. Enter your loan number and the last 4 digits of your social security number. This helps identify you and the loan you wish to make a payment towards.
3. Choose your payment option. This can be either a Checking or Savings account from another financial institution or your debit card.
4. Enter the payment information for your card or account and enter a email address if you wish to receive email confirmation. Confirm your payment information is correct and click "Send".
To make a payment by phone
Call (800) 692-2274 and say you’d like to make a payment.